We represent a variety of companies in the areas of incorporation, corporate governance, joint ventures, company division or acquisition, asset transfer, recapitalization, insolvency procedures or liquidation. Under corporate law, we assist in negotiating, holding general meetings, collecting documentation, drafting all necessary contracts and procedures for recording changes in various public records and in operating companies Through compliance we also incorporate controlling and risk managemen of your company.
Financial law includes legal rules on the financial operations of state bodies regarding the collection and distribution of taxes, customs duties and fees, and regulates the operations of banks, insurance companies and payment transactions in the country. We represent various entities in tax, insolvency, compensation, insurance and banking procedures. We also comprehensively handle the procedures of public tenders, valuations and financial restructuring of companies.
Doing business in different countries, different legal systems and different jurisdictions can be very complicated. It is necessary to determine which legislation is applicable, which courts have jurisdiction; to ensure that the contracts are in accordance with the regulations of different countries, to arrange effective insurance, tax optimization … We offer our clients effective advice and protection of their interests in doing business in different legal jurisdictions.